How do I use my ACV shampoo bar?
Get your hair very wet and then massage the bar against your hair in a small circular motion until you work up a rich lather. Some of my test subjects (I mean friends) said it was easier to rub the bar between your hands to work up some lather, then rub your hands directly on your hair. Massage the lather into your scalp and rinse thoroughly.(Especially in hard water areas!)
You can use the natural shampoo everyday but after a while you probably won’t need to. Most people find that without sulfates, their hair feels clean longer .It cleans thoroughly without drying or coating your hair or scalp. Dry and style your hair as normal and then enjoy how shiny and clean it looks.
If you are using a conditioner because your hair is dull, lacks luster, and is dry--the answer is probably no. Since commercial shampoos contain petroleum products and sulfates which are actually drying to your hair and scalp, conditioners are often needed. Our natural shampoo bars will not strip the natural oils from your hair, so you will not need the typical moisturizing conditioners that people use to replace the natural oils stripped by detergent shampoos.
Tangly hair is another story. Hair tangles result when individual hairs go in different directions and intertwine. The outer layer of the hair, the cuticle, is made of overlapping layers of long scales that lie along the surface of the hair like shingles on a roof. The condition of the cuticle scales in part determines whether you are going to have tangly hair. When you shampoo your hair the cuticle opens. When the cuticle layers are open and not knit together you are even more prone to tangling. The strong detergents in commercial shampoo open the cuticle even more, making it more prone to tangles. So using our all natural shampoo bars helps with normal tangling.
But everyone’s hair is different! Also, the way you shampoo and even the type of water you have can affect hair tangles. When I am in lazy mode and just rub the shampoo bar and all my hair all over my head, I get tangles. Instead of conditioner, I use a diluted vinegar rinse. (Typical conditioners now just weigh my hair down) The vinegar is an acid which helps to close the cuticle of the hair. If you need to use conditioner, experiment with the smallest amount you can get away with just on the ends.
THE TRANSITION PHASE -- allow up to 3 weeks
This is a common scenario when you try a new shampoo--at first your hair feels funny, then you love it for a week or two--but then your hair seems dull and lifeless again. The first week it was stripping your hair of the old shampoo residue--then it begins to leave its own! Please do not use a shampoo bar once or twice and decide you don't like it. You need to give the shampoo bars time to rid your hair of the old residues from your commercial shampoo. This could take a few washes. Because shampoo bar soaps do not strip hair in the same way as detergent based shampoos you may notice your hair feeling different after washing than you may be accustomed. This is perfectly normal. Some people experience a definite ‘transition period’ where your hair keeps producing more oil than necessary. If you find yourself going through a greasy/waxy stage try varying the temperature of your water. Some people experience a better result with cool or tepid water rather than hot water.
IMPORTANT: Keep the bar dry between uses for a longer lasting shampoo bar. Your shampoo bar WILL melt if you leave it in water.
Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) with 8 ounces of water. Experiment to find a dilution that works best for you. Thank you for your purchase and contact us if you have any questions.